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Data Export/Import Module

One of the more expensive steps in implementing a new program is getting the data out of the old database and into the new one. Part of the reason for this is that nearly every database stores data in a different set of tables in columns of a different sequence. This means after you export the data you have to spend a large amount of time manipulating it into the table specific file in the correct column sequence before you can import it.

To minimise the time and trouble in doing that we have created a sophisticated import functionality that allows the importation of data to be stored in multiple tables from a single text file in any order.

This same feature allows you to designate data from multiple tables in Bizman to be exported to a single file.

Data export table selection screen shot

If you would like further information or an on-line demonstration of how BizMan can rapidly accept your data then contact me on +61 2 9552 3311.